Blog Post

5 Things Legal Document Review Services Entail

November 27, 2023

Legal document review requires superhuman review speeds without a dip in accuracy due to short litigation times and increased data to review. So, how can you meet those impossible demands without driving yourself down a highway straight toward team burnout?

Legal document review services provide access to leading tools and expert support teams who can execute these tasks swiftly and at a much lower cost. This empowers your team to boost productivity and avoid being bogged down by prolonged and clunky document review processes.

Learn how legal document review services benefit legal teams and the five tasks they can handle for you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Legal document review services enhance efficiency by handling vast amounts of documents quickly and accurately.
  • Document review services shield attorneys and general counsel from becoming overwhelmed with time-consuming manual tasks.
  • Document review falls within the eDiscovery and due diligence processes.
  • Legal document review services speed up document review, boost productivity, save costs, and extract additional value and patterns for future use.

Legal operations often manage document review to prevent attorneys or general counsels from drowning in time-consuming, manual tasks.

Alternative legal service providers can also perform this task so you can complete it faster, more efficiently, and within budget.

The placement of legal document review within broader legal processes can sometimes lead to confusion about where exactly it fits within your processes.

Distinguishing eDiscovery from Document Review

While eDiscovery and document review have similar tasks, their purpose is different.

eDiscovery services help you identify, collect, preserve, review, and produce electronically stored information and other relevant data in a case. You perform eDiscovery for litigation and regulatory compliance for legal review.

Document review is a step within eDiscovery. It’s where you examine and analyze individual documents to ascertain their relevance, privilege, and significance in a legal case. Document review also works with less data than eDiscovery since document review services focus primarily on different document forms, mainly electronic.

Due Diligence Versus Document Review

Though often used interchangeably, due diligence and document review are different. While due diligence covers the entire final audit and review, document review strictly refers to the part of due diligence that involves reviewing documents.

Document review is the backbone of due diligence as due diligence is usually mostly or entirely document review.

Legal document review services are specialized agencies that handle the review of legal documents.

The average time between litigation and initial disclosures ranges from 120 to 90 days, giving only a small window to collect and review the needed documents.

A comparison of lawyers and AI in document review found that while lawyers took 51 to 156 minutes to complete a task, AI did it in just 26 seconds. In addition, where lawyers’ average accuracy was 85%, AI reached 94%.

The integration of advanced legal technology by document review services benefits legal teams in multiple ways, including:

  • Expedited document review process: Accomplish more in less time.
  • Enhanced team productivity: Spend less time on document review and more on case strategy. You also receive the reviewed documents sooner to move on to the next step faster.
  • Cost-efficiency: Avoid prolonged working times and expensive errors by outsourcing through a company that can complete the same tasks in a fraction of the time using leading technology.

Discover how Exigent’s legal document review services boost the productivity of legal firms and general counsels.

1. Collect and Organize All Documents

Legal document review begins with collecting the necessary documents to review. This is one of the crucial steps in the entire eDiscovery process but can also be one of the more time-consuming tasks since there are mountains of data you could pull from.

Outsourcing legal document review services speeds up the process of gathering and organizing all relevant legal documents. Centralizing and managing documents effectively minimize the risk of missing crucial information during the review process.

2. Review Standard Agreements

Most documents fall under the standard agreements section, such as standard contracts. Notably, 77% of general counsels identify civil litigation as the primary driver for document review services.

Exigent’s legal document review services enable you to review more agreements in less time, facilitating quicker deal closures while minimizing mistakes.

Legal project management oversees the project to ensure it runs efficiently and within budget. Exigent excels not only in document review but also in managing the entire project, connecting each part so it runs together seamlessly. This integrated approach also boosts accuracy, connecting all parts rather than performing each step separately.

Benefit of interconnecting your legal processes
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4. Incorporate Contract Lifecycle Management Solutions

Automate and expedite the legal document review with contract lifecycle management (CLM) solutions. CLM software makes large datasets more manageable. Exigent differs from other document review solutions because of our ability to perform CLM on large datasets and complex documents.

CLM tools track and manage the entire contract from review to close within the project management framework. It oversees business performance and compliance, ensuring accuracy at every workflow stage.

Example of a contract lifecycle
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5. Extract Value for Future Use

Document review extends into a detailed analysis, using analytics to detect patterns and trends within legal data. You can use these patterns to make more informed decisions while identifying future opportunities for profits and wins based on past reviews.

The Exigent Difference in Legal Document Review

Exigent’s services go above and beyond to maximize the value you earn from document review.

We employ leading technology to minimize document review times while maximizing accuracy. We also offer more than traditional non-complex agreements. We also tackle large datasets and complex documents, so you only need one legal document review service for all your needs.

Contact us to learn more about our legal document review services.

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About the Author:

Exigent is an Alternative Legal Services Provider (ALSP) breaking industry boundaries and raising the bar for data-driven decision-making. With a powerful combination of technology, legal expertise, and business acumen, Exigent creates expert solutions that drive better legal and business outcomes for law firms and corporations.

Exigent delivers scale, expertise, and insights that generate bigger returns for CLM – Contract Lifecycle Management, Legal Spend Management, e-Billing, Due Diligence, Document Review, eDiscovery and Litigation Support, Commercial Services, Regulatory & Compliance, Outsourced Legal Administration, and Legal Tech Design.

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